Claudia Colli
Introduction by Gail Bruce
I first met Claudia Colli when we bought our home on Tortola in the British Virgin Islands and we have been close friends for over 20 years. She is the former Publisher and Editor of the “Welcome” magazine which greets visitors to the BVI, and now has her own BVI website, The BVI Insider. She is the author of several guidebooks to the British Virgin Islands and is currently researching a book on south Florida where she is a part-time resident. I have read every edition of the “Welcome” magazine and given it to visiting friends. She is a wonderful writer and has a great eye for product and discerning taste. HipSilver is excited to begin exploring the Caribbean and other sunny regions with Claudia for outstanding resort products and stories.

Claudia Colli
I first met Claudia Colli when we bought our home on Tortola in the British Virgin Islands and we have been close friends for over 20 years. She is the former Publisher and Editor of the “Welcome” magazine which greets visitors to the BVI, and now has her own BVI website, The BVI Insider. She is the author of several guidebooks to the British Virgin Islands and is currently researching a book on south Florida where she is a part-time resident. I have read every edition of the “Welcome” magazine and given it to visiting friends. She is a wonderful writer and has a great eye for product and discerning taste. HipSilver is excited to begin exploring the Caribbean and other sunny regions with Claudia for outstanding resort products and stories.