Spring Cleaning

by Susan Joyce Proctor

Happy Wellness Wednesday!

While I love to take a week for extra careful clean eating and special self-care, I’m in too much forward motion to devote that kind of energy at the moment. Maybe you’re having a similar experience?

So, I asked myself what really easy things I could do to take advantage of the Spring Energies without slowing down at the time I need to keep moving. Here are the 3 very simple things I’m feeling inspired to do this month which won’t take any time or energy but I know will benefit me a lot. I’m sharing them because this is absolutely the most no-brainer stuff we can all do, and I hope you will consider joining me this month in a bit of effortless cleansing. (BTW, I don’t distribute any of these products; I just use them myself.)

  1. Take my probiotics. While I generally reach for these only sporadically, I’m feeling guided to take them right now to help tune up my gut health. The ones I use are blood-type specific because intestinal flora is one of the most blood-type specific tissues in the body, and if I’m going to bother to use probiotics, they might as well be tailored for me, right? (If you are interested, they are available here.)

  2. Take my triphala. Again, this Ayurvedic herbal compound is only an occasional supplement for me, but this month I plan to take it daily because it is so effective for supporting detoxification, elimination, and overall gut health. This compound is available at most health food stores and can also be ordered online at my favorite Ayurvedic website, Banyan Botanicals. I recommend the tablets because the powder tastes quite bitter.

  3. Drink hot water with lemon. Again, while I recommend this all the time, I don’t always do it. An ideal way to start the day for cleansing and digestive health, it’s also great to sip throughout the day.

If you do decide to join me in this non-cleanse, I bet you’ll hardly believe how much better you will look and feel with so little effort. Enjoy!

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