Rethinking Retirement
The world is finally catching on to what we have known for a while at HipSilver.
Ken Dychtwald, a psychologist, gerontologist, founder and chief executive of Age Wave, has just published his 17th book, "What Retirees Want: A Holistic View of Life's Third Age."
The New York Times takes an in-depth look at Dychtwald’s vision of what it means to be retired and to create one’s next chapter in life with intention. "Rethinking Retirement" gives us inspiration about mixing life with family and new ventures while living life fully. The author also helps to define goals, while reserving some quality time to enjoy life’s third act. The book is a refreshing change to the traditional narrative for retirement as “turning out the lights” on work and being solely oriented towards leisure: travel, hobbies, unlimited golf, long walks, and so on. This book review portrays an interesting read about how we can all enrich our lives further – for decades beyond the traditional 65 “retirement” age. We look forward to digging into it this winter!
“The days and nights and years could be long — if you’re lucky. Here are some tips to make them meaningful, too”. Ken Dychtwald
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