Physical, Mental and Emotional Relaxation with Barbara Pecarich
Introduction by Gail Bruce

This is to introduce you to my dear, longtime, and wonderfully amazing friend, Barbara Pecarich, who, in her search to heal herself, has become a truly gifted, incredibly experienced, healer.
I have been blessed to have Barbara on my life walk for long periods of time, and to have watched and experienced her growth and expansion in the healing arts. She has helped me through much of what life is about; joy, love and sharing, but also the grief, pain, loss, and the ultimate growth that comes from these life experiences, much as Kahlil Gibran noted in “The Prophet”, his mind-expanding book of poetry - change “is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin I tear with my own hands”.
Barbara helped me release my sister, after her death, find strength when I was going through physical or emotional change, gave me comfort when I grieved, and kindly shared her accumulating knowledge and expertise with me. She helped me make it to today.
HipSilver is honored that Barbara Pecarich has included our subscribers in an invitation to her private Monday night meditations. Her meditations are priced affordably for the Silver Age. They offer a blessed relief from our surrounding and our own noise, and they create a place of peace in the midst of our own and the world’s chaos.
This is the best twenty dollars you will ever spend.

her time in the presence of injured wild animals. This brought her to the attention of the forest service, and they enlisted her as a caretaker and nurturer to wounded animals, healing them before being released back into the wild.
Having an empathic understanding, and a deep love for our interconnectedness to nature, Barbara followed a path of healing that led her from professional dancer to collaborator, and advisor on films that conveyed that concern and love for the natural world. Koyaanisquatsi / with Director, Godfrey Reggio, and
composer Philip Glass and as a dancer and assistant on The Canadian Film
Board Trilogy: Goddess Remembered, Full Circle, and The Burning Times.
Barbara began her practice, of learning from worldwide healers, and about
different modalities, diving deep into the substratum of illness and regeneration,
death, dying and beyond. Which led her into the world of yoga, Vedanta and the
mystics who charted out, through the science of yoga, the practice of meditation, sound, and expanded states of awareness.
Barbara has trained with Mark Wolynn (author of It Didn't Start with You) in
Family Constellations, the cycles of inherited family trauma and how to end the
cycles. She has done in-house training with Stan Groff, utilizing holotropic
breathwork to heal trauma and to understand more about altered states of
consciousness, and where she first encountered Dr. Gabor Mate's work with
addiction and mental illness, and his profound approach of asking “What
happened to you?” rather than “What’s wrong with you?”
Her travels have taken her to Ireland, Spain, and India where she continued
expanding her understanding of healing and consciousness. After four years of
intensive meditation practice in The Self-Realization School of The Golden Ray, she was initiated as a Mystic Therapist.
Today Barbara shares her practice of Mystic Therapy in group and individual sessions, online with zoom and over the phone.