Sterling Silver Don Kuhl, Founder & CEO Change Companies
Introduction Gail Bruce
"Don Kuhl is a healer – in so many ways. Upon discovering the scientifically proven benefits of Interactive Journaling, Don founded The Change Companies over 30 years ago. Thanks to his dedication to building a team and a company to create and distribute multiple types of interactive journals, Don has helped hundreds of thousands of people make a positive behavioral change in their lives. His collaborative efforts in Substance Use, Justice Services, Impaired Driving, Healthcare, and Education have consistently focused on helping individuals begin the process of positive personal change.
As Don entered his Silver years, he became more conscious of how much potential we have as Silvers to live life to the fullest every day. But he also recognized that many of us fall short in part because we succumb to the negative societal stereotypes about aging. Don realized that the process of interactive journaling could also enable Silvers to make incremental – or huge – changes to help them enjoy life as they age and acquire more wisdom. He began with a thrice-weekly blog called “Aging Monday-Wednesday-Friday,” filled with witty observations and stories about the fun and foibles of growing older. We encourage you to check it out by clicking here – it is free to become a subscriber. Then he developed, with his team, three interactive journals uniquely created for Silvers: Gratitude, Your Life is a Story and Remodeling My House. HipSilver is proud to be the first online retail distributor of these wonderful journals, perfect for our Silver audience! From my perspective, Don has engaged me with his self-deprecating humor, his shared wisdom about the aging process, his blog, and our email and Zoom exchanges. I am delighted to have been introduced to Don Kuhl and The Change Companies through HipSilver.
I am so pleased to present him as a genuine Sterling Silver." CEO and Founder Gail Bruce
Don Kuhl, Don Kuhl, Founder & CEO Change Companies

Don founded The Change Companies® in 1988. Since founding this company, Don has worked with approximately 150 agencies and corporations to tailor interactive journals to serve unique populations. His collaborative efforts in Substance Use, Justice Services, Impaired Driving, Healthcare and Education have consistently focused on helping individuals begin the process of positive personal change. Earlier in his career, Don worked in many industries including hotel management, publishing, higher education administration and healthcare business development. Along the way, he created numerous companies, experiencing both successes and failures. He has his M.S. degree from Iowa State University. Don is most proud and appreciative of the outstanding employees who have shaped The Change Companies® for over three decades.