The Million-Dollar One-Person Business!
Introduction by Mary Robertson
I admire the independence and creativity of the small businesses Pofeldt describes. I also bought copies of the book for our children who are in their thirties and forties and have their own entrepreneurial spirits.
Who knew that several million Americans each year bring in more than a million dollars in income working on their own? Whether you call it freelancing, contracting or a ‘side hustle.’ alternative work arrangements have grown to more than 40% of the workforce in the United States.
For many of us who are older, our jobs are being taken away sooner than we planned. Pofeldt points out that it takes most of these businesses two to five years to produce viable income. Once established, however, you are buffered against a major risk of employed workers, especially older ones — getting downsized or laid off.
Read on to discover some inspiring success stories:
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