Your Resident Mystic Turns her Thoughts to Love and Lust for Valentine’s Day!
You can’t write love stories (and I do) if you’re not a romantic (and I am)… that said, there’s a bit of knowledge I’d like to offer as Valentine’s Day nears (because I’m also an Astrologer!)
Mars and Venus are the two uber-powerful planets in your chart that impact your love life most directly. Mars dictates lust and all that juicy Mars mischief that drives your wild side. Venus is the lovey-dovey planet where your bunnies-and-birdies fantasy romance self resides. Needless to say, each has its place in the grand design of your dreams of Happily Ever After… and if the truth is told, they each provide a special kind of bliss that makes life feel worth living. So if Valentine’s Day has you wondering about just how compatible you and your “significant other” really are … if you wish you had a way to suss out whether you two are just having fun for now or are headed for long term happiness, why not give yourself the gift of knowing just what Mars and Venus (as well as the rest of your horoscope ) have to say about your true compatibility?
Here’s the quick way to do all that for only $2.95 . Just click on Cosmo Compatibility Report at
Wishing you a Valentine’s Day full of LOVE and , perhaps, even a lifetime of Happily Ever After!
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