Dr. Danya Episode 1 - #3:
Bring a Hat

Today I am getting my second round of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) shots. I am a little nervous because the first round was a bit painful, but in just 6-8 weeks I have seen a remarkable change in the texture and density of my hair. I can see on my scalp where hair is beginning to sprout, and because of that I am more than willing to undergo a bit of discomfort. Although I did learn from my first round of injections to bring a hat because, especially with light hair, your scalp is red, and your hair is matted with treatment cream.
After the photo session to document my scalp and note any changes, Dr. Jodi’s medical assistant, Heather, preps me for the injections with the numbing cream. As the patient you are given a choice of medication by mouth to relax you and ease the pain; nitrous oxide, a gas commonly used for sedation and pain relief; and/or a topical numbing cream that is applied 30-60 min before the procedure.I personally prefer the numbing cream as the medication takes too long to wear off.

Part of the reason I prefer the numbing cream is it takes 30-45 minutes to take hold and I discovered under the warm lights of the examination room I could grab a few minutes of much needed sleep.
This photograph shows the reason why I strongly suggest you bring a hat with you to wear home from your appointment. My first appointment I didn’t bring one and I drew a lot of odd looks from people on the street while I was trying to catch a cab. One person even asked if I needed help.

The hat makes a difference. The choice and style are totally up to you. I also suggest you not make any immediate appointments right after your injections, as it is encouraged to keep the injection solution and treatment cream on your scalp for a few hours before you wash your hair. Actually, Dr. Jodi prefers that patients not wash their hair immediately after the procedure and in fact, wait until the next morning (if possible) because the PRP is beneficial for the scalp and hair. Don't forget your hat - we have a wonderful selection of hats from Cha Cha and Giovannio.