Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
Episode 5
This is part 5 of the PRP series. To read the first episode, click here.
Dr. Jodi LoGerfo at Orentreich Clinic has done wonders with restoring my hair growth after the stress of the pandemic, losing loved ones, and the recovery needed to forge ahead.Learning to let go was one of the hardest tasks. When your hair falls out by the handful – That adds immeasurably to the level of stress. I had to come to grips with the fact that my hair might never come back. I discovered my survival mode was so strong – I began designing removable tattoos for the balding head.
Thank heavens Dr. Jodi’s skill got me out of the potential tattoo business.

But one of the major helps for me during this stressful time period was a product we were already selling on HipSilver – the Medusa's Heirloom hair clip. It holds even the finest/thin hair in place without damaging the hair follicle or breaking the hair shaft. It is by far the best hair clip I have ever used, and it lays flat to your head so you can lay down read or watch tv without undoing your clip. They also come in colors that blend with most hair colors. Dr. Jodi even gave it approval on one of my visits.
Below please view the video we did as an introduction to the clip. I can’t encourage you enough to try one.