Chair Yoga, Balance

Wellness Curator, Susan Joyce Proctor

As someone devoted to wellness, both personally and professionally, I am all about prevention – and one of the leading causes of accidental death and non-fatal injuries among people age 65 and older is FALLING. The resulting complications, ranging from hip fractures, other broken bones, and head injuries, frequently initiate a downward spiral of problems. This month, we’re addressing this all-important aspect of wellness.

Even when the initial fall is not particularly serious, its effects can be. As Dr. Brad Manor, director of the Mobility and Brain Function Lab at the Institute for Aging Research, puts it: “Unfortunately, even falls that don’t result in injury or death often have a very real and significant, negative impact on quality of life. These falls often lead to fear of falling, reduced physical activity, depression, and lack of social engagement — all of which, in turn, increase the risk of suffering another fall.”

For good news, we hear from Dr. Elizabeth Burns, lead researcher at the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, that most falls are preventable and needn’t become an inevitable part of aging. Not surprisingly, the most important steps we can take to prevent these serious risks involve improving our balance and stability.

Here at HipSilver, we were delighted to team up with Jennifer Gibson, a certified yoga teacher who specializes in balance-promoting classes for Silvers. I loved the class she held for us! It reminded me of what we can do on a regular basis to help keep our feet solidly on the ground, and we’re sharing some of it with you here.

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