A New - New Year's Resolution

For years I wrote them down...I did!
The quid pro quos of where to go and what to do
A list of affirmations
Of the things that I would this year write
About the fight in politics
Or poems for kicks
Or books I still had in my head
Or promise I would get to bed before the rooster went to crow
And places I might want to go
To give myself a fringe escape
While mountains of those endless notes would pile up fast...
The underwear I should replace
And face the fact I still ate sweets into the night, (in private too!)
The slew of friends I’d give a call, when out of touch for months or years
Back off on all my email hours
Get flowers that smell
And tell myself to shower more than once a week
I’d speak to people on the train who looked forlorn or just confused
I’d throw used toothpaste out at last
Skip TV shows inane or creepy, that fry your brain or raise your BP
All these I wrote, and so much more
But things I promised me each year, I’d watch them slowly disappear
And then of course, came shame and doubt
So this year...I just threw them out!
Then came a message loud and clear
“One Resolution for this year!”
Just live your life Carte Blanche, I say
Each day the best that it can be
And work those dreams you contemplate
And they’ll show up
with time...
Or fate.
Happy New Year HipSilvers!
Cynthia Adler 

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