Gobbling Up The Holidays… (in human hugs)
Soo…here we are. Coming into the home stretch of Turkey Trot Day, and looking forward to Santa’s Bells in real time. Yes…with real people. And the real food they made.
What has it been like since last year Thanksgiving? Think about how many times you went to bed without washing your face, even maybe brushing your teeth, finding some corn chip crumbs in your morning brush. How many times did you Zoom in a day, doing a very long big one last Thanksgiving, looking at your family and friends in little squares and wondering if you could even handle any “in person” visits anymore, since the square had become the norm, and you could see a whole face at a time, and not what used to be a giant with a cloth, covering it’s mouth.
We will be so very happy to share a holiday with our families and our friends, and try to remember what it was like to turn your head to one side at the dinner table, laugh in someone’s face, and feed a sweet potato to your cousin’s dog. We will marvel at how everybody looks, after being at home for a while. Some hair colors may have changed, some body weights, some clothing choices (since so many women have lived in black leggings, and guys in sweats, for a really long time…)
Yes, we have been hungering for more than turkey this year, and these holidays will give us a sense of normal again, like stuffing ourselves and passing out from the turkey meat L-tryptophan. Ahh… Thanksgiving as it was before the “you know what.” And trying to lay out the last year for the group has its drawbacks. Besides being on the computer most of the day, binging on series, and aside from taking some walks or home exercising, what is there to say. Ahh, yes…Politics. That will probably be one of the features this Thanksgiving. But try not to do it while you’re eating. It may cause some unwanted movement upward from your digestive system.
Maybe it’s better this Thanksgiving to get a live turkey. Let it walk around the house and feed it some stuffing. Give everyone else a nice salmon dish. The energy will pick up, and might be what is needed for lucid engagement, and who knows, might bring everyone back to a sense of normal. If we even remember what normal is.
Happy Turkey Trot Day, Hip Silvers…
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