Hip for the Holiday’s

By Amy Goldberg

Well, we did it! We’re heading into the holiday season and a new year. Phew, and what a year it has been. And yet I’m reminded that there’s lots to celebrate.

How about when we started to reconvene in-person. Truly connecting physically with others. I had to re-learn how to hug! Or remember the time, not that long ago, when we were isolated and had to rethink how we were going to stay healthy? Or what about when we realized that we needed to do things differently, however unpleasant it may have been. We certainly learned something more about ourselves. We learned that we could shift our mindset and think more positively. We had to, out of necessity.

As we move into celebrating the holiday season. isn’t it great that we can gather and share in the festivities! There’s something to be said for having things taken away and then regaining the joy of getting them back. The appreciation and gratitude for realizing that we are human. And as humans we better take care of ourselves AND one another so that we can thrive in our lives. At any age. Anytime. Anywhere.

I imagine this year we may be giving more thought as to how we’re going to gather and celebrate. Maybe we’re even second guessing ourselves as we’re not quite sure how to roll this holiday season.

Nevertheless, how you and I decide to celebrate, know that we’re easing into a refreshingly more open and loving time, where together, we in fact can be together! How wonderful to consider what that now means to us? Perhaps we took for granted all the times we could gather. I know I certainly did.

With open eyes and an open heart, I’m embracing all the opportunities to connect with others. Think about it. Here at HipSilver we have a community in which to gather. To celebrate our hipness. To revel in the experience this community has to offer us. When they say, “It takes a village,” they’re talking about HipSilver and the chance for us to grow, connect and celebrate as one. Let’s not forget that we hip humans have a lot to give. Let’s give it our all.

Do I hear a; “Hip, hip hooray” for the holiday season and for all of us at HipSilver?!

Stay hip. Be you. Keep thriving.

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